The story behind the name 

Being amongst trees brings comfort and quiets my soul. Their vastness and majestic beauty point to something bigger than themselves, yet their intricacies remind me to take note of the details.

When we moved into our house, I was instantly drawn to the large windows in the living room and how the light streamed through, filling the whole house. It was only when I sat down on the floor to play with my daughter, that I noticed the view. From this perspective, I could only see the trees. Even in the tail-end of winter, they were captivating - beautiful birch trees, set against a crisp blue sky. 


Since then, this has become my favourite spot and the inspiration behind the name of my business. When Remi was having a tough day, I’d bring her over to the window and say, “See the trees?” I’d point out all the details that I notice, and wait. Calm soon returned and her little face lit up as she saw the branches swaying their hellos. She raised her hand to wave back but turned her fist inwards, giggling and waving to herself instead.

Life can be busy. Seemingly mundane moments can pass us by if we’re not intentional about pausing to breathe them in. Sometimes it takes someone else to step into our world to help us to see the beauty that surrounds us.

As a photographer, it’s my greatest joy to step into your life for a moment and mirror the love, authentic connections and honest beauty that I see. To see the trees, in all their fullness.